Das CodeSystem SequencingPlatform enthält die Codes der Sequenzierungsplattformen (angelehnt an ENA).
This code system defines the following codes:
Code | Display |
ls454 | 454 technology use 1-color sequential flows | |
illumina | Illumina is 4-channel flowgram with 1-to-1 mapping between basecalls and flows | |
pacbio_smrt | PacificBiosciences platform type for the single molecule real time (SMRT) technology. | |
ion_torrent | Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM) from Life Technologies. | |
capillary | Sequencers based on capillary electrophoresis technology manufactured by LifeTech (formerly Applied BioSciences). | |
oxford_nanopore | Oxford Nanopore platform type. nanopore-based electronic single molecule analysis. | |
bgiseq | BGISEQ | |
dnbseq | DNBSEQ | |