ValueSet 'AnswerSetInfectionRiskAnimalTTVD'
Version | 1.2.0 |
Published by | Robert Koch-Institut |
Status | Active (since 2024-08-29) |
Experimental | False |
Das ValueSet AnswerSetInfectionRiskAnimalTTVD enthält die Codes der Antwortmöglichkeiten für Tierkontakt bei Tollwutexpositionsverdacht.
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 900000000000003001 (en-US) 107007004 Rind Subfamily Bovinae (organism) 125097000 Ziege Capra hircus (organism) 125099002 Schaf Ovis aries (organism) 18646008 Fuchs Vulpes vulpes (organism) 23377000 Igel European hedgehog (organism) 29482003 Dachs Meles meles (organism) 331171000009105 Schwein Sus scrofa scrofa (organism) 35354009 Pferd Equus caballus (organism) 388074005 Fledermaus Order Chiroptera (organism) 388535005 Marder Genus Martes (organism) 388595008 Waschbär Procyon lotor (organism) 448169003 Katze Felis catus (organism) 448771007 Hund Canis lupus subspecies familiaris (organism) 48289008 Hirschwild Cervus elaphus (organism) 49871009 Marderhund Nyctereutes procyonoides (organism) 59171001 Damwild Dama dama (organism) 74964007 andere/sonstige Other (qualifier value) 78678003 Wildschwein Sus scrofa (organism) 88680004 Rehwild Capreolus capreolus (organism) The following codes from system: v3.NullFlavor
Code Display ASKU asked but unknown NASK not asked