ValueSet 'EvidenceRBVD'
Version | 1.2.2 |
Published by | Robert Koch-Institut |
Status | Active (since 2024-10-10) |
Experimental | False |
Das ValueSet EvidenceRBVD enthält die kodierten Angaben zu Symptomen und Manifestationen in Bezug auf den Meldetatbestand "Tollwut".
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 900000000000003001 (en-US) 1119454002 (en-US) 198288003 Angstzustände Anxiety state (finding) 22253000:{47429007=782161000} Schmerzen im Bereich der Bissstelle 22253000 | Pain (finding) | : {47429007 | Associated with (attribute) | = 782161000 | Bite (event) |} 24199005 Erregtheit Feeling agitated (finding) 266196000 Wasserscheu (Hydrophobie) Rabies - hydrophobia (disorder) 2776000 Delirium Delirium (disorder) 34714000:{363698007=49928004} Spasmen der Schluckmuskulatur 34714000 | Local spasm (finding) | : {363698007 | Finding site (attribute) | = 49928004 | Structure of anterior portion of neck (body structure) |} 44695005 Lähmung Paralysis (finding) 45352006 Krämpfe Spasm (finding) 91019004:{47429007=782161000} Sensibilitätsstörungen (Parästhesien) im Bereich der Bissstelle 91019004 | Paresthesia (finding) | : {47429007 | Associated with (attribute) | = 782161000 | Bite (event) |}