Im CodeSystem notificationDiseaseCategory enthaltene Konzepte beschreiben einen ganz konkreten Meldetatbestand im Sinne des IfSG, z.B. eine Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19)-Erkrankung. Die Codes bestehen aus 4 Buchstaben, wobei der letzte Buchstabe "d" für 'disease" steht. Die anderen 3 Buchstaben beschreiben die RKI-Fallkategorie.
This code system defines many codes, of which the following are a subset:
Code | Display | usage-status | national-notificationCategory | federal-state-specific-notificationCategory | federal-state |
band | Milzbrand | | active | True | False | |
bpsd | Keuchhusten | | active | True | False | |
cdfd | Clostridioides-difficile-Erkrankung, schwere Verlaufsform | | active | True | False | |
cjkd | Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK) | | active | True | False | |
clod | Botulismus | | active | True | False | |
cord | Diphtherie | | active | True | False | |
cvdd | Coronavirus-Krankheit-2019 (COVID-19) | | active | True | False | |
dend | Denguefieber | | active | True | False | |
ebvd | Ebolafieber | | active | True | False | |
gfvd | Gelbfieber | | active | True | False | |
havd | Hepatitis A | | active | True | False | |
hbvd | Hepatitis B | | active | True | False | |
hcvd | Hepatitis C | | active | True | False | |
hdvd | Hepatitis D | | active | True | False | |
hevd | Hepatitis E | | active | True | False | |
hfad | Hämorrhagisches Fieber | | active | True | False | |
htvd | Hantavirus-Erkrankung, hämorrhagischer Verlauf | | active | True | False | |
husd | Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom (HUS) | | active | True | False | |
hxxd | Akute Virushepatitis | | active | True | False | |
izvd | Zoonotische Influenza | | active | True | False | |
lsvd | Lassafieber | | active | True | False | |
mbvd | Marburgfieber | | active | True | False | |
mpvd | Mumps | | active | True | False | |
mpxd | Mpox | | active | True | False | |
msvd | Masern | | active | True | False | |
mybd | Tuberkulose, bei Behandlungsabbruch | | active | True | False | |
mytd | Tuberkulose | | active | True | False | |
neid | Meningokokken, invasive Erkrankung | | active | True | False | |
opxd | Orthopocken, andere | | active | True | False | |
pkvd | Pocken | | active | True | False | |
povd | Poliomyelitis | | active | True | False | |
rbvd | Tollwut | | active | True | False | |
rund | Röteln, konnatal | | active | True | False | |
ruvd | Röteln, postnatal | | active | True | False | |
spad | Paratyphus | | active | True | False | |
sspd | Subakute sklerosierende Panenzephalitis (SSPE) | | active | True | False | |
styd | Typhus | | active | True | False | |
sxxd | Paratyphus/Typhus, nicht differenziert | | active | True | False | |
ttvd | Tollwutexpositionsverdacht | | active | True | False | |
vchd | Cholera | | active | True | False | |
vzwd | Windpocken | | active | True | False | |
vzzd | Herpes Zoster | | active | False | True | DE-BB |
ypsd | Pest | | active | True | False | |
Code | URL | Description | Type |
usage-status | | Nutzungsstatus | Code |
national-notificationCategory | | Nationaler Meldetatbestand | Boolean |
federal-state-specific-notificationCategory | | Bundeslandspezifischer Meldetatbestand | Boolean |
federal-state | | Bundesland | Coding |