ValueSet 'AnswerSetInfectionPathHBVD'
Version | 1.3.2 |
Published by | Robert Koch-Institut |
Status | Active (since 2024-10-10) |
Experimental | False |
Das ValueSet AnswerSetInfectionPathHBVD enthält die kodierten Antwortmöglichkeiten zur Angabe des Infektionswegs bei dem Meldetatbestand "Hepatitis B".
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
The following codes from system: SNOMED_CT
Code Display 1119454002 (en-US) 409496000:{704326004=1288017002} Heterosexuelle Übertragung 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : { 704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 1288017002 | Heterosexual behavior (finding) |} 409496000:{704326004=224149009}{704326004=170489004} Wohngemeinschaft mit Virusträger/-in 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 170489004 | Viral hepatitis carrier (finding) |}, {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 224149009 | Lives in a commune (finding) |} 409496000:{704326004=225531006} Homosexuelle Übertragung 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : { 704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 225531006 | Homosexual behavior (finding) |} 409496000:{704326004=341000119102} Tattoo 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 341000119102 | Tattoo of skin (finding) |} 409496000:{704326004=365984004} Intravenöser Drogenkonsum 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 365984004 | Finding of drug injection behavior (finding) |} 409496000:{704326004=408678008} Nosokomiale Übertragung 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 408678008 | Healthcare associated infectious disease (disorder) |} 409496000:{704326004=879862001} Piercing 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 879862001 | Body piercing (finding) |} 409496000:{704326004=9632001} Berufliche Exposition mit Patienten/-innen, Material 409496000 | Mode of transmission (observable entity) | : {704326004 | Precondition (attribute) | = 9632001 | Nursing procedure (procedure) |} The following codes from system: v3.NullFlavor
Code Display ASKU asked but unknown NASK not asked