mex.common.orcid package



mex.common.orcid.connector module

class mex.common.orcid.connector.OrcidConnector

Bases: HTTPConnector

Connector class for querying Orcid records.

_check_availability() None

Send a GET request to verify the host is available.

_set_url() None

Set url of the host.

build_query(filters: dict[str, Any]) str

Construct the ORCID API query string.

fetch(filters: dict[str, Any]) dict[str, Any]

Perform a search query against the ORCID API.

get_data_by_id(orcid_id: str) dict[str, Any]

Retrieve data by UNIQUE ORCID ID.


orcid_id – Unique identifier in ORCID system.


Personal data of the single matching id.

get_data_by_name(given_names: str = '*', family_name: str = '*', given_and_family_names: str = '*', filters: dict[str, Any] | None = None) dict[str, Any]

Get ORCID record of a single person for the given filters.

  • self – Connector.

  • given_names – Given name of a person, defaults to non-null

  • family_name – Surname of a person, defaults to non-null

  • given_and_family_names – Name of person, default to non-null

  • filters – Key-value pairs representing ORCID search filters.


Orcid data of the single matching person by name.

mex.common.orcid.extract module

mex.common.orcid.transform module

Module contents